Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa - Harvard (Deutsch)

titleGesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa - Harvard (Deutsch)
summaryThe Harvard author-date style with German Unisa / GBFE changes
rightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
link (self)
link (documentation)
link (documentation)
author Julian Onions (
contributor Cornelius Lipponer (clipponer at gmail dot com)
citation-format author-date
field theology

Example Output

Inline citations

(Mares 2001)
(Mares 2001; Campbell & Pedersen 2007; Ahlquist & Breunig 2009; Isaacson 2011)
(Mares 2001; Ahlquist & Breunig 2009; O A 2012; Foderaro 2012; Borges 1999; Hancké u. a. 2007; Zelle u. a. 2016; Fenner u. a. 2019; Hawking 1966)


Ahlquist, John S. & Breunig, Christian 2009. Country clustering in comparative political economy. Cologne: Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.
Borges, Jorge Luis 1999. Selected non-fictions. Bd. 1, 3. Auflage E. Weinberger, hg. New York, NY: Viking.
Campbell, John L. & Pedersen, Ove K. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40, 3, 307–332. [Stand 2010-07-26].
Fenner, Martin u. a. 2019. A data citation roadmap for scholarly data repositories. Scientific Data 6, 1, 28. [Stand 2019-04-27].
Foderaro, Lisa W. 2012. Rooftop greenhouse will boost city farming. New York Times A20.
Hancké, Bob, Rhodes, Martin & Thatcher, Mark (Hg.) 2007. Beyond varieties of capitalism: Conflict, contradiction, and complementarities in the European economy. Oxford and New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Hawking, Stephen 1966. Properties of expanding universes. Doctoral thesis. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. [Stand 2019-04-27].
Isaacson, Walter 2011. Steve Jobs. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
Mares, Isabela 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In P. A. Hall & D. Soskice, hg. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press, 184–213.
O A 2012. CSL search by example. Citation Style Editor. [Stand 2012-12-15].
Zelle, Rintze M., Shaw, Arthur J., IV & Dijken, Johannes Pieter van 2016. Method for acetate consumption during ethanolic fermentation of cellulosic feedstocks. [Stand 2019-04-27].

Dependent Styles

Informationspraxis (Deutsch)

CSL code

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